Monday, 8 December 2008

Moan on Monday

Human. Not only did you desert me for the ENTIRE weekend, you also came home stinking of THIS:


And you seem to think that THIS makes it all better:

Well you can think again, fatso. THIS siamese prince is NOT so easily bought.

Yours, disgusted

HRH Yao-Lin

p.s What exactly is that small furry thing? It's hardly a real dog, more like a teddy bear. Hmph.


Monty Q. Kat said...

I feel your pain, your Highness. I so, so feel your pain.

Did I mention that the dog queefs all day as well? He and Baby Mao may get along well-we could send them off somewhere together...

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh dear. that small one really does not seem woofie like.

Cafe Cats said...

Oh no! There are woofies on your bloggie!

Daisy said...

Well, I think the Drinkwell fountain almost makes up for it. Right?

Unknown said...

Gasp! This is unacceptable! Last weekend my Mum came home smelling of poodle! A 1.5 pound poodle! Now, at 1.5 pounds can you really call THAT a dog?

Why am I not in your blogroll? Oh, my paws are getting all wet from the sobbing I am doing, sigh.

Samantha & Mom said... smells!! But the drinking fountain looks cool! Do you like it?
Your FL furiends,

Gemini and Ichiro said...

The little dog--great cat toy. Chase it Yao-lin, chase it. Think how tasty it could be. In fact the Chinese say that dog is very warming in the winter...

Sunny's Mommy said...

Does she expect you to share that with Stinky Baby Mao? If so, it's not a gift, and the slave is only trying to relieve her guilty conscious.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Whatever is your Human thinking of? She goes from bad to worse. She could have at least disinfected herself before bringing those strange smells back.

Everycat said...

Betraying you with the company of dogs is the most terrible crime. I am sure you will have a suitable punishment arranged for your treacherous slave.

Whicky Wuudler

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh Yao-lin, not dogs...when will yoor servant ever learn.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

OMC!!!!! How could she!!!!???

Mr. Hendrix said...

Gasp! Mortifying.

That fountain is a pretty good buy off tho...perhaps some furniture scratching too?

Max said...

Oh man that first woofy looks like Hank! I kinda miss him... he was a good doggy.

Anonymous said...

"Oh My" that's definitely unacceptable...The nerve.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... that Drinkwell Fountain might be worth it to us. But then again, we are not feline royalty as are you, Yao-lin.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

I like the fountain. The two beasts looks pitiful... perhaps you could go on a bit more and get a cool tent to go along with the fountain.

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

I'm with you Yao-Lin, I can't stand doggies. I will hiss and stand up to them, no backing down from a fight.

Altho Titus is the only doggie I will accept.


The Fluffy Tribe said...

OMG the things you put up with Yao-lin ~The Fluffy Tribe