Friday, 6 February 2009

Frootbat Friday

Yes, yes, I am majestic...

From this angle:

To this one:

Now leave me alone.

I need to rest.

Being this beautiful is EXHAUSTING. Not that you, oafish human, could possibly understand.

Yours, majestically aloof

HRH Yao-Lin xxx


Sunny's Mommy said...

Unfortunately, there's so many things she cannot understand. Poor Yao Lin. Try to have a good weekend.

Daisy said...

Thank you so much for sharing some of your beauty with us, Yao-Lin. I feel happy now.

meemsnyc said...

You are too cute Yao-Lin. PS, love the blue collar!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

And sitting for those photos must be beyond exhausting. I hope she made you a Prime Rib Roast for all of that.

Unknown said...

Yao-lin you look wonderful in photo's - are you paid well for these modelling sessions?

Anonymous said...

That's the way to model, Yao-Lin. Give a little, but never give as much as the human wants.

And might I say, you look marvelous...

Anonymous said...

Yao-lin your majestic beauty is breathtaking!

Isis said...

Wow nice poses, much less risqué than mine! ;)