Friday, 24 October 2008

Frootbat Friday

Greetings, subjects!

Here I am, sitting on the wall, pondering all things dreadful in my life.

Needless to say, I sat there for a long time:

And then the stench hit me:

Have a wonderful weekend, my faithful friends.

Yours, miserable as always

HRH Yao-Lin


Ramses said...

I hope the care package goes some ways to helping you cope with your current difficulties, sorry we forgot to add a gas mask though... ;)

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

The angst is written all over your face. Maybe your "dreadful" thinking summoned him. May a warm and hearty breeze blow through soon and that you be up wnd from it.

Purrs Goldie and Shade

Parker said...


Lonely Paul said...


Kaz's Cats said...

You look magnificient Yao-lin, as per usual, regardless of the personal trauma that you're going through. Very regal,


Gypsy & Tasha

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh Yao-lin, we just feel so bad for you having to live in those awful conditions.

LZ said...

Yao-lin it looks like you've been getting plenty of tasty steaks :). Of course, the horrors are too much to bear. Did you see me wearing your pink coat this week? Its been keeping me nice and warm.


Anonymous said...

Bee-utiful photos, Yao-Lin, especially when we bigified them! Wow! Sorry about the stench.

Tybalt said...

Poor Yao-Lin. There just isn't any hope, is there?

Daisy said...

How do you bear it, Yao-Lin?

Sunny's Mommy said...

I know :( You must have been there for a very long time.

The Fluffy Tribe said...

poor Yao-lin what a life ~the Fluffy Tribe

Unknown said...

Poor Yao-lin, how do you make it through each day?

I hope you have a bearable weekend.

Anonymous said...

Yao-lin! Yao-lin! Trixie sat on the comment box of our last two posts and broke them and mom had to fix them!

She is VERY fat.

Happy Hallowe'en Yao-lin.


Gemini and Ichiro said...

How sad. Your trials appear even while you ponder your own sorrows...

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Goodness Yao-lin, does the boy not know to stay downwind of yoo?

Anonymous said...

Oh Honey - I feel for you.

Liz said...

oh how gorgeous are you yao-lin...i have a little kittie present on my is a little dress up kit...go and see me tim the balinese all dressed human made me dress up as a girl though..shock horror..i will never live it down..check it out and you can download it too...cheers liz

Mr. Echo said...

As one of yur faithful admirerers, I respectfully rekwest more pictures of yur beutipuss bloo eyes.

If that's okay with you. I meen, if yoo feel like it. No preshure or nuthin.

Anonymous said...

Poor Yao-lin. You can never catch a break. Hope you have a more fragrant day today.

meemsnyc said...

You two look so cute both perched up there like that! Adorable!