Thursday, 4 June 2009

Thoughts on Thursday

During my harrowing time in this Godforsaken hovel, I have done a lot of thinking..

For example, today I thought of how the blue blanket in this photo brings out the gem like quality in my stunning eyes...

Then I returned to thinking of ways to bump off Charlie the runt. Do you think a harpoon or a sledgehammer is best?

Yours, deep in thought

HRH Yao-Lin xxx


meemsnyc said...

That blue does bring the sparkle out in your eyes!!

Daisy said...

Blue is a very stunning color for you, Yao-Lin.

Regarding Charlie, I am thinking maybe a subtle psychological campaign would be best. You know, like in the movie "Gaslight"!

Anonymous said...

IT takes a mature woman to reconsie her own beauty :)
We agrees about your eyes they do look like little blue sapphires... better guard them and make sure no jewel theifs try and takes em!! hehe

The Florida Furkids said...

No gem could match the beauty of those eyes!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Lilly Lu, Iris and Maxwell Mufsa Millon said...

yo line i lhave a simler problem but it a begal name evertt and blue dose bring out you eyes you need more respect so do i after all we roytily

Queen lilly LU

Monty Q. Kat said...

Lock him in a room with Baby Mao's litter box?

Anonymous said...

Blue is the purrfect color for you, Yao-Lin! Very, regal, indeed.

Harpoon? Interesting. Very interesting.

Anonymous said...

You have very handsome blue eyes Yao-lin!

The Crew said...

Poor Yao-Lin. You do suffer so.

Sunny's Mommy said...

Push him out the door. Maybe he'll get lost.

Setra said...

Why not get the goggie to get on the fairy boat that links your Island with the main land? That'd get rid of him effectively and wouldn't muck up your beautiful blue blanket or get your furs all grubby either...


Setra said...

My new bag is about the same colour as your eyes! ;)


The Furry Kids said...

Your eyes do look like precious gems! Maybe a harpoon - I don't think thumbs are as necessary as they would be with a sledgehammer.


The Fluffy Tribe said...

sledgehammer ~The Fluffy Tribe