Friday, 21 November 2008

Frootbat Friday

I know, I look somewhat scruffy and perhaps a little unkempt today.

You can blame this on the human. Last night I had once again to forage through the neighbour's bins for sustenance, followed by a scuffle with Baby Mao.

Consequently, I am shattered today.

I do hope my weekend is less tiring.

Yours, miserable as ever

HRH Yao-Lin xx


ZOOLATRY said...

Shattered or not... we happen to think you look as regal and majestic as ever (just stay out of trash bins please). And frootbats: well, you are The Fabulous Frootbat!

LZ said...

Is all of that running she is doing getting between you and your feedings?


Parker said...

You need a full time butler...

Daisy said...

I am with Parker. You need to hire more good help!

Lux said...

Never unkempt - but it's obvious after all that foraging you need a bit of rest. ;-)

The Cat Realm said...

Yao-Lin - you need to be rescued! Maybe we can get you into our Spa at Little Productions one day to get the treatment that you deserve, the ROYAL one!!!
And yes - hiring more help might be a good idea too!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Yao-lin, I am so sorry. I just I am at a loss for words. Certainly you need better servants but I feel for you--finding and training is so hard and the chances the outcome will be worthwhile is so minimal...

Everycat said...

One must definately recruit a better standard of staff. Dustbin foraging indeed! Shameful.

Whicky Wuudler

Anonymous said...

You do so need to get some better servants, Yao-lin. It is appalling how you must fend for yourself.

Sunny's Mommy said...

Oh poor Yao Lin, I hope your weekend is going better.

Tybalt said...

Yao-Lin, I would invite you to live with us, but I'm afraid you would find our abode less than royal enough to befit such a stunning meezer as you.