Monday, 21 July 2008

Yoga on Monday

Monday is the human's day to engage in a spot of yoga. Whilst I enjoy watching her flounder into attempting various yoga poses, none of which she can actually DO, I also like to annoy her by relaxing on her yoga mat.

This is the 'Siamese cat' pose:

And this is known as the 'furchin pose':

I was also given this award by my wonderful friend Monty!

Thank you Monty! I would like to pass this onto Ramses & Isis.

I sincerely hope everyone is having a wonderful week. I will be working on pushing the human over as she practices her downward dogs. It's fun (and a little painful for her) when I jump on her back!

Ta ta for now

HRH Yao-Lin xx


LZ said...

Wonderful stretching! My Meowmy does yoga on the Wii-fit thing. Its funny to watch her wobble.


Anonymous said...

Oh, well done, Yao-Lin! Your human could practice yoga for years and never look as graceful as you do.

Kimo and Sabi said...

Concats on yer award - have a great week!

Sunny's Mommy said...

Yao Lin, obviously you are the one who looks most graceful of all doing yoga ;-) I just started doing basic yoga stretches, really helps my back, and I don't think I could even attempt the downward dog :-p If I did I'm sure Ollie would look at me thinking "WTH are you doing Mommy? Have you lost your noggin again?" LOL

Congratulations on your award :-D It's very well deserved.

Mr. Echo said...

Hey Yao, long time no see! Yoo haff proper posture for yur exercises and its plain thay are workin.

meemsnyc said...

What great Yoga poses Yao-Lin. Cute.

Lux said...

I like your yoga pose, Yao-Lin!

Congratulations on the award!

Anonymous said...

Well, I doubt your human is better at yoga then you! (Well, she dosn't climb on your back.)

Daisy said...

Guess what? My Mommie does Yoga on Tuesdays! I am going to do some Yoga on my blog maybe later this week!

Anonymous said...

Our Mom tried yoga a couple of times and it was not a pretty sight!

Unknown said...

Wonderful Yoga positions Yao-Lin! You are very athletic : )

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Congratulations on the award Yao-lin. You do yoga in a way that really impresses me!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I think finally you have some relax time yourself, Yao-Lin~!
I am glad you have your own free space!

Mr. Hendrix said...

great stretches! it is uber fun to mess with the beans while they attempt to exercise.

we love your comic below. sorry Baby Mao told your mommy you were being mean. Obviously you were forced to defend your honor!!

Laura W said...

Furchin? I must have a furtriplechin.
Yao-lin, you commanded me back to the blog and I obeyed.
I think you will enjoy today's post because Kellie's comment will surely inspire you to great human mocking heights.
Not necessarily NEW human mocking heights.
I mean, it's hard to improve upon perfection.
Sorry. I forgot who I was talking to.