Tuesday 12th february - 'Anonymous' commented on my blog: 'You people are pathetic. Don't you have anything better to do than dress up your stupid cats? I am so sorry I found your stupid blog. Your cat is the ugliest thing I have ever seen'.
Tuesday 12th february: HRH Yao-Lin retorts ' Clearly, a human with sight problems - might I suggest a trip to the optician? Try not fall over your white stick on the way out. As for the human slave having nothing better to do than dress up her cat - well, I have to disagree. The human slave also has to cook my steak, clean my litter tray and ensure that I have a fresh supply of running water as well as trawling the internet searching for beautiful outfits for her stunning siamese prince.
So, 'anonymous' - I think you are the pathetic one - have you nothing better to do than leave nasty comments on a blog belonging to the most gorgeous siamese cat in the universe?
Off with your head!
HRH Yao-Lin
Tuesday, 12 February 2008
An Anonymous Comment (since deleted)
Posted by
HRH Yao-Lin
Labels: nasty comment on tuesday
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You tell 'em, Yao-lin!
Beans like that are pathetic, stupid, and ugly. I hope he or she steps in dog-doo.
You are clearly a kitty who is worthy (& then some) of all the attention lavished upon your cat-person.
Way to go Yao-Lin!!!!!
You are a wonderful kitty . . . we are ALL wonderful kitties . . . and we deserve much more respect and much better treatment than what "Anonymous" was obviously bored and unintelligent enough to dish out.
You tell him YRH! I think that anonymous a chicken sh*t. After all, that person didn't even have the nooticals to leave a name! puursonaly i think he is afraid of your stunning beauty and your royal power.
No problem, my royal meezer friend. My mommy says she is often astonished at how many stupid people there are out there. If she has a bad day, she helps me read everyone's blog and it reminds her that there are also some AWESOME people out there. It is just too bad one of the stupid ones decided to try to taint it. But you, my handsome friend, didn't let them get away with it! BRAVO!
Besides being a big dum-dum, the person who left that comment is a big coward. And has NO MANNERS. I think you taught that person a good lesson.
You tell 'em, Yao-lin! That bean has no idea who they're messing with. heh heh
Yao-lin, annonymous is clearly bored. I've gotten his comments on my blog as well (ugly cat?!). I delete them. I have seen them on other blogs as well (ugly cats my foot!). I think he is trying to incite the Pooses for Peace to come and bite him and then have photos to get them outed...
Sad bored humans with nothing wonderful like you in their life. You have to feel bad for them and their ignorance. Or you could direct him to sniff Baby Mao's behind.
Kaze has the right idea--a Royal Spot 13 Salute to that poor person. Obviously he has no floof in his life!!
~Meepsie and Smokey
I pity this "anonymous" person. Obviously they have nothing better to do then leave rude comments on a cat's blog. They must leave a sad lonely little insignificant life. ~Queen Snickers
I agree they obviously have vision problems, and are rude.
If that person, and we use that term loosely, wasn't such an idiot and not worth our time, we would beat him up for being so ignorant to such a wonderful and royal meezer! Way to go Yao-Lin!
Your faithful friends,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
This is so rude!!!! How could it!!!!
You are the most manly handsome cool cat!!!!!! Oah what a mean and silly one!!!!
Let me give you big hug, Yao-Lin~!
Don't let that one bother you a bit!
Go away, you anonymous person, you!
This is Yao-Lin you're talking about here!
Aaaaah, the loser probably never had any toys as a kid!
Kudos on your response!!!
Purrs Mickey
Way to go, Yao-lin! I only wish we knew if that pathetic commenter has his/her own blog - whoa, could the cat blogosphere ever go over there and teach him/her not to insult his/her superiors!! Obviously he/she is the sorry result of bad breeding and I suppose just deserves our pity.
Yao-lin, we can totally sympathize, because we receive nasty comments all the time. :( Some people just can't see how handsome we Sphynx are, and somehow need to insult us to make themselves feel better. Sorry you've experienced this nastiness as well. We all know how handsome you are.
Yao-lin! Yao-lin!
My mom says one in five people are reported to have a mental illness. Pity one of them found your beautiful blog. :)
We love you Yao-lin! You're one of mom's very favorite people. She says you are a good influence, as well as being good looking.
Ooh eer I fink I might even be able to drag myself outta bed for a beheading! ;)
I think the comment came from either Broccoli Spears or Paris Motel6 who happened to escape from their dungeon somewhere. Pure idiots. I also suggest that you set your blog to not accept comments from annymouse users.
hehehe 'anonymous' is obviously a very lonely, isolated person who is trying to 'reach out' through some sort of demented angle of vitriol. and like you say they are obviously blind - or a dog?
Off with it!!!
Interesting that she or he wasn't willing to leave a name or address. Hmmm, a coward, me thinks.
Obviously "Anonymous" is insanely jealous of your royal lifestyle and wishes he were you! How insecure must he be that he can't even use his real name. He is to be pitied.
All humans envy us wonderful creatures, he best hide otherwise there will be countless of us 4 legged showing up to his bloggy door. Paws up for your response, he messed with the wrong meezy.
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