Monday, 4 August 2008

Meezer Monday

It is impawtant to remember that all cats are obligate carnivores.

Apart from Siamese cats, who can happily live on a diet of strawberry cheesecake.

I do so enjoy trying different foods. I believe the humans also enjoy my enthusiasm for cuisine!

Ta ta for now

HRH Yao-Lin xx


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Cheese has some protein in it and it is made from something that comes from inside a cow, so I think you are still being an obligate carnivore. I mean something has to work for use right? It tastes ever so much better than if we ate the cow insides...

Sunny's Mommy said...

Yum! Cheesecake :-)

LZ said...

Mmm....dairy products!


Monty Q. Kat said...

Yao-Lin! You need to enter your second photo from Monday's post-it's a regal half-Q!

(You know, the human has to earn the other leg to stick out...)

The Meezers or Billy said...

strawberry cheesecake is WONDERFUL!! YUM!!!!!!!!!

Daisy said...

I hope you got to nom, nom, nom some of that straight from the plate!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Strawberry cheesecake huh? Well, there is cheese....and that is wonderful!

Brainball said...

Strawberry cheesecake? Wow -- that looks delicious, Yao-lin!

Hmmm, I still wonder about how my beans could possibly have thought I was a girl. Before me, Mom had never had a mancat, but that still isn't an excuse. At least my siblings knew the truth all along!

Thank you for celebrating my Gotcha Day with me! Thanks to wonderful friends like you, it was my best Gotcha Day yet.

Love and rumbly purrs from Brainball.

Anonymous said...

Strawberries? Them is good eats!

Lux said...

Oh yum, Yao-Lin! That sure does look good!

Just Ducky said...

Hmmmm, I don't think mum has ever fed me cheesecake, strawberry or otherwise. Looks yummy.

Quasi said...

That looks great! Occasionally, when my humans are having what they call "dessert" they will let me have a little of the creamy white part.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah My~!
Looks you are very enjoy it!

Tigmut'hep said...

I think this is one more of those products that Ramses and Isis would like, Isis especially as she's a dairy product freak!

Oh and did you see that I tagged you for a meme? It's time to talk about yourself for once you know! ;)


Mr. Hendrix said...

aw man, that looks nummy. i'm with Chey on this, it's from a cow so it is still meat.

mmmm cheesecake...

The Crew said...

Watch out for too many strawberries. They can give you litterbox know, what Skeezix calls "the skwerts".

Mr. Hendrix said...

hey Yao-lin! we're going thru withdrawel from your handsome face! please post some new pictures of your royal self soon!

PS there is a lovely lady Simese who is a princess that could use some visitors. her name is Chloe!

Mr. Echo said...

Yoo is worldly like the debbonair James Bond. I will haff to find this thing called cheese cake.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Hi Yao-lin, we have given you an award.