Meezer Rule: When your human is trying to take a photo to submit to the Infinite Cat Project... NOT look at the computer screen. This will ensure maximum frustration for your slave and will provide endless amusement for your royal self.
For more Meezer Rules, visit Simply Siamese!
Ta ta for now
HRH Yao-Lin xx
Wednesday, 23 January 2008
Meezer Rule Wednesday
Posted by
HRH Yao-Lin
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How cunningly cruel, Yao-Lin! BRAVO!
I think it is the photographer's fault for not giving you proper direction.
You are the master of keeping your slaves in limbo, Yao-Lin! Yee haw!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Oh Yao-lin, you are deliciously naughty!
Yao-Lin, one could learn many things about trying the patience of beans! I shall sit and become a student to your masterful ways.
Yao Lin, you are like the yoda of Meezer Rules!
How could she get mad that handsome face. Julius would have made a very hearty duck dinner, he was a very large duck.
Yao-Lin, we do hope you write a book some day with your wonderful whinings and witticisms about those who walk on two feet and have no tail. Be sure to visit us on Friday, we give you a mention, albeit a small one, not in keeping with your high highness... but stop in anyway. A little bit is better than none.
Of course. You are a master Yao-lin!
Hahahahahaha!!! But wouldn't you like to see images of yourself going on infinitely? You are very handsome and regal, after all:) xxx
That is a very good rule Yao-Lin. We agree with Daisy - it is the slave's fault.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Hahahahahahahaha!!! I have that one down pat! I ALWAYS move at the last second when Mom has the camera. She should be bald soon,heeheehee :)
Purrs Mickey
Hi Yao-lin! I tagged you for a meme on what's new with you! come to my blog and see!
great rule!
That is wonderful rule!!!
You are always speeking the wise words!!
Plus of course there's more purrty cat face to look at in the picture! :)
Hahahahah - you are the greatest, Yao-Lin!
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