Saturday, 15 March 2008

An Award on Saturday

My wonderful subjects Eric and Flynn have given me this award.

This award was originally created by Tesla who said "I award this to every cat that defends its fortress and castle against evil!"

I am so touched to receive this that I am speechless, so I will instead use Eric & Flynn's words:

"We would like to award it to HRH Yao-lin furr overcoming his human's shortcomings, purrtikkerly the evil way she deserted him on his Purrfday wivout so much as a purrezunt, and furr all the uvver hardships he has to endure. We really feel furr you Yao-lin. We wish we could haf helped you wiv the house trashing, but our innernets stopped us furrom visiting".

My friends, my loyal subjects - clearly you understand my daily suffering. I am ever hopeful that your humans will jump on the boat to the Isle of Wight and rescue me from this life of drudgery. I can quite imagine myself lolling amongst the hay bales, the sun warming my gloriously shiny fur. *sigh*

I would like to pass this award on to:

Cheysuli who defends her fortress against the evil paparazzi on a daily basis.

Jimmy Joe who resides in a fortress with a dog and presumably has to defend his territory against canine visitors!

Have a wonderful weekend, my loyal friends.

Ta ta for now

HRH Yao-Lin x


michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Congratulations on your award, Yao-Lin~! You are very good~!!!!Right now I can totally understand your condition, because I think I am so stress everyday now~~~~~~

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

Concatulations Yao-Lin, you are most deserving. And happy belated birthday too ... we are not happy with our human for missing it! Humans have too many shortcomings ...
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Yao-lin that is a wonderful award for you!

I'm not sure I can accept. After all I have my bodyguards Nubi and Ranger and well those bodyguards we don't talk about...

Jimmy Joe said...

Oh wow, Yao-Lin, you certainly deserve this award, and I am very humbled that you have chosen me to receive it as well. Yes, I work hard to make sure that Coco behaves herself like a cat as much as possible.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Concatulations on da award, Yao-lin. Did yoor hooman servant learn anything from the house trashing or is she as dull as ours...

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Our Beans will be passing IOW in late April.We will get them to ask the Captain of the ship to do a stop off when they return in May so you can come back to Plymouth with them.

Artsy Catsy said...

Congratulations, Yao-lin, that is a wonderful award for you! I should design an award for you, too, because you make me happy and content ... everytime I get disgruntled, I just think about the horrible travails you have to put up with, and I realize my problems are not so bad!


Anonymous said...

Yahoo! Finally, some respect Yao-Lin. Congratulations! We hope your birthday was the most exciting ever.

zevo hussein calamari said...

Congrats on your award. Happy Birthday... keep celebrating it, maybe your pet human will get the message!

meemsnyc said...

congrats on your award!

Scout said...

If ever anyone was deserving, it would be you!

MaoMao said...

ConCATulashuns on yur awardie, Yao-Lin! That is a furry kool awardie, about defendin yur fortress frum evil. Efurrycat must be furry vigilunt about that -- even if it's only frum Evil Coffee Stirrers!! hehe

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Ramses said...

Congrats Yao-lin! It is nice to know that you incredible sufferings are noticed and that we are not the only cats who sympathise with your plight! The next time My Mummy is in Hampshire I shall insist that she come over from the mainland to rescue you, better yet d'boy is visiting the Island for a few days in May or June - I'm sure you could hitch a ride home with him! :)

PS: D'boy always has food in his pockets so you won't starve! :)