Friday 9 November 2007

Disgusting Friday

Yes, Baby Mao, of COURSE you smell of peppermint.

Yours, ever disgusted

HRH Yao-Lin


Tybalt said...

You are so brave to live surrounded by poo.

Purrageous Pirates said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

Poor Yao-lin. It cannot be easy for his majesty to live with well, that! *giggles*

Daisy said...

Maybe the reason you all like the peppermint tea so much is to cover up the poo-smell?

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

I bet your mom just loves drop in company - Not!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, are those footprints what I think they are? How to you stand the indignity Yao-lin?

LZ said...

Oh I must admit that would drive the Tall Man insane. You live with some tolerant humans!


Anonymous said...

How do you keep your royal furs clean with that cat around?! I would not stand for it.

The Furry Kids said...

That is all kinds of gross. I feel bad for you.


Jimmy Joe said...

OK, man, your brother is cute and all, but that is really gross. You really should insist that he stay in his wing of your castle if that's what he's gonna do.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Mosaic Cats said...

Oh my.
This is so repulsive that you nearly put Mosaic Lady off her Happy Hour wine.
Gak yak.
The inhu-cat-ity of it all.

Unknown said...

Oh, poor Yao-lin. Royalty should not be subjected to poo paw prints on their kitchen floor!

The Wanderer said...

ewww, we don'ts do that...stinky little brothers...poor yao lin!!

The Meezers or Billy said...

poor Yao-Lin!! i would just whap Miles if he left poo prints all over the house.

Leslie said...

Yao-lin! Yao-lin - I got sent to the Bad Kats site to sit in the corner for a lot less than that! I've been really good (almost, sort of) since then, too.
Could you try that?

DK & The Fluffies said...


jenianddean said...

::giggle, giggle:: poo paw prints

Jasper McKitten-Cat

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Wow, that's a lot of paw prints on the floor!

Ramses said...

Oh my goodness your Royal Highness who do you put up with Baby Mao?! It's just not right... A cat of your regal bearing and nature should not have to suffer like this! Maybe you could get Baby Mao a garden shed to live in... ;)

Monty Q. Kat said...

I'm sorry I worried you, YRH, I promise never to do it again. :D

Sunny's Mommy said...


Mr. Hendrix said...

tee hee hee Poor Yaolin. I think it is great yoru beans are trained enough to clean up after Baby Mao.

Hey guess what? I have my VET trained so well, he has postponed my yearly appointment TWICE! How cool is that?

Anonymous said...

I told him he smelled of poo.

Max said...

Devine Feline Design...heh

Tara said...

Ewwwww...I'm so glad Kavan has pretty much grown out of that. The farts, however, continue...

The Fluffy Tribe said...

is that what we think it is? ewwwww ~The FLuffy Tribe

The Cat Realm said...

Good thing it was tiles...
I think Baby Mao and Emil have something in common....
Not the prints - but the smell...
Fortunately Emil only smells of poop for about a half hour after he pooped....

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

You are right, that is very disgusting!