Thursday 8 November 2007

Thursday Musings

The human is too busy to assist me in blogging today.

She has taken up a Thursday evening Kung Fu class.

This I would pay to see. I can only imagine what entertainment can be had from watching the human slave endeavour to kick her fat legs above ankle height and punch her chunky arms in some sort of coordination.

Have no doubt, I will reprimand her for being unavailable this rainy evening.

Yours, chucking to oneself

HRH Yao-Lin xx



Tybalt said...

You'll be laughing even more when your poor slave is too stiff and in pain to move around in the morning.

You are so bad, Yao-Lin!


Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

Kung Fu! Wow, that could be fun to watch! Ye-hah!

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

Puuuurrrhaps a video is in order?

Unknown said...

Oh Yao-lin, you made my Mum laugh so hard at work, ummm I mean at home, that she laughed out loud and everyone is asking what is so funny! Now, how can she tell them that the Profit and Loss statement is just so funny she is crying with laughter : ) Ha, ha, ha.....

Daisy said...

But Yao-Lin, why does she need to learn Kung Fu? Maybe she is going to be Kung Fu fighting! Those kicks were fast as lightning. In fact, it was a little bit frightening. But they fought with expert timing! SING IT!

LZ said...

Watch out for hobbies...they eat up more time than you would like!


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

This duzn't sound good. Yoo could haf less and less compooter time if she keeps going Kung Foo fighting.We're not happy wiv our mum. Not only did they desert us furr 3 weeks, she's not giving us enuff time to catch up wiv all our furrends.

Just Ducky said...

Can you get blackmail pictures?

MaoMao said...

Yao-lin, you crack alla us Ballicai up. hehehe

And Brainball wanted to tell you that he's got our momma trained so that if he jumps up onna sink, she goes to turn the watur on fur him to get a drinkie. Brainball loves watur best outta the baffroom sinkie, and no matter what Momma's doin, she always stops it to go turn the watur on fur Brainball.

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Anonymous said...

I await your story of what you did to your human on pins and needles.

Also, I appreciate your loyalty to me and I will be sorting out the little cat. I find that it's best to do this about 2 AM

Artsy Catsy said...

Kung Fu? That's the sound Fracas makes when he yaks up hairballs!


Anonymous said...

My Lady doesn't exercise. She says she is in no shape to. Heehee.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Hmmm, it was amuzing when mom furst took up yoga, but now we don't laff at her.

Tara said...

Kung Fu? Sounds like a great dish I'd like to eat. Can't imagine what that must look like.

snowforest said...

Very funny Yao-Lin ~ you always make everybody smile your highness :) No human kung fu can match the pace of a kitty's paw!

Ramses said...

Oh boy I wanna watch that too! ;) Surely you can follow here and video it for us all?! :)

The Cat Realm said...

Hahahahahahahahaha - I like Diamond's comment. Think about it!

Sunny's Mommy said...

She's taking an evening class instead of being with you?! I'll be interested to hear what her punishment was.

The Fluffy Tribe said...

sometimes we haf to humour them ~the Fluffy Tribe