All us Royals love a good spot of hunting on a Sunday morning. After the government placed a ban on fox hunting, the aristocracy were left with little choice other than to pursue another method of entertainment.
So, mouse hunting became our favoured pasttime. A pleasurable pursuit allowing one to still experience the thrill of the chase. I do look rather devilish in this picture, do I not?
Yours, feeling rather pleased with oneself,
HRH Yao-Lin
NB: This is Yao-Lin's slave speaking. This field mouse was Yao-Lin's first (and hopefully last) catch. He brought it in yesterday and proceeded to bat it around the house. When it lay still, he bit its neck until it squealed and ran off so that he could continue to 'play'. We finally caught the mouse and set it free in the garden. The poor thing probably died from shock shortly after!
Sunday, 15 July 2007
Savagery on Sunday (not for younger viewers)
Posted by
HRH Yao-Lin
Labels: nature red in tooth and claw, royals love bloodsports, yao-lin caught a mouse, yao-lin the hunter
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Such furrociousness, your Highness! Excellent hunting skills, but wouldn't you want your servants to bring one to you and save you the effort?
Um, we don't want to correct you Yao-lin, but your suppose to KILL yoor prey. Yup, the hunting thing must be a royalty thing as only Princess Zipporah does it here.
OMG!!! That's almost a real live dead mouse!
Luf, Us
::shivers with excitement::
Oh, Yao-Lin, now I see your true greatness! What a mighty and brave hunter you are.
must be that royals are the hunters. we doesn't hunt. of course, we is not allowed outside eifurr.
you are amazing. mommy is glad the mouse was released back into the wild, and i like that our kitty royalty is generous enough to spare his captives' life.
I think you are the very picture of a great hunter kitty.
I am very proud of you Yao-Lin! Great hunter, gorgeous picture, real royalty! Congratulations!
P.S. The butler always tries to put the same trick on me and take my prey away! In most cases he succeeds and the little critters go free - unharmed because I know how to play with them for a LONG time!
But it is frustrating that the humans don´t understand this part of being a cat...
Wow, Yao-lin, I am very impressed! I didn't realize such a royal cat as yourself was also a mighty hunter!
Thanks for taking part in WCB. :)
You are a kitty monster. My hero!
Yup, I remember those days. But, I either caught something or went hungry. I like the way I'm living now better. BUT - those fake mousies I have are a rockin' good time!
Wowie, Yao-lin! You're not only a Majestick Royal Meezer but you're a Mighty Huntur, too. I had fun with my real live mousie a little while back -- they're great to play with, aren't they? hehehe I'm sorry your slave took your mousie away from you, my Daddy took mine away from me, too, fiddlefardle and DAGNABBIT!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Way to go Yao-Lin. Too bad your beans took it away from you.
Grate catch Yao-lin, but they should haf let yoo eat it cuz mousies are furry tasty. Flynn caught a bunny yesterday and wantid to put the pikchur up, but mum wouldn't let him. She sed it mite upset the poodins hoo haf got bun brofurrs and sisfurrs.
I herd stories abowt my big bruther Mao bringing mice and snakes into the howse ware they lived in the howse beefore this. He kept hem alive so that the Food Lady and Mr Tasty Face cood play with them if they wunted to. And I think they were happy he did cuz then they wood jump owt of bed and play with the mousies until they ketched them and then they put them owtside.
I don't understand ... my mom is starting with that screaming business again!
Great catch, Yao-Lin!
Puddy brought in a dead mouse one day but I don't think she was the one who killed it, so it's pretty cool that you caught a live one and didn't just find one that was already hurt! You must be a good hunter!
Great hunting skills, Yao-lin. You look very fierce in your photo. Hmmm, since your slave let the mouse loose in the garden, it may still be there the next time you go out and you can play this fun game all over again.
Fantastic! How prrroud the slaves must be at yourrr prrrowess. You must convey to them my deepest concerrrn--that you only kill what you intend to eat. My beans arrre hunterrrs and follow this rrrule. Unforrrtunately, the little boy bean caught and killed a lizarrrd while camping in the mountains overrr the weekend. I hearrrd he was most traumatized because he then realized he would have to eat it. I am cerrrtain Daisy, the Curly Cat would have loved it, but he was verrry unhappy about it.
After that experrrience, little boy bean did not kill any morrre lizarrrds.
Purrrs to You, Yourrr Highness,
You are a fierce hunter! And dats a ginormous mouse you gots there. Our beans get the stuff we catch and put it outside too and its still alive!
Wonderful, wonderful Yao-lin! What excellent hunting skills you have!
he, he, he - great minds think alike Yao-Lin - have you seen my blog today. You're so cool! FAZ
I bow to your greatness Yao-lin! Such a royal!
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