Wednesday 25 July 2007

Meezer Rule Wednesday

Meezer Rule Wednesday: When you trash the litter tray, make sure your brother gets the blame.


LZ said...

That is impressive!!! Ours our covered but I manage to fling some poo out of it anyway :).


Anonymous said...

Very impressive, Yao-lin. Very feline.

Daisy said...

Uh oh! That is a bad accident! Poor Baby Mao. I hope he does not get in very much trouble.

Mr. Hendrix said...

ha ha ha it is their fault for not putting the top on right. Daddy did that once. Mommy & I were not happy about that at all....

I hope you got to share some of Baby Mao's birthday treats! Glad to hear you're dry.

PS Bendrix was a 1/2 second from running to the window after a squirrel sitting on the ledge

The Meezers or Billy said...

wow! i don't haf to blame Miles for anyfing - he's the stinky messy one. - Sammy

MaoMao said...

HEHEHEHEHE!!!!! Oh man, I'm crackin' up. Good job, Yao-lin!! I'm doin' that alla time, too. I like to fling litter outta the boxie and I also like to fling poo sometimes 'cause poopies make great hockey pucks. Have you efur tried to play poop hockey?? It's FUN!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

DK & The Fluffies said...


Forty Paws said...

Holy cow!!! It looks like it kinda flipped half way over!!!

Yup, Dorfie is getting lots of doting and love. Don't know if he's aware of it though.

Luf, Us

sammawow said...

Wow, we thought that we were litter flingers but you certainly have us beat!

Samantha & Mom said...

Yao-lin you are so clever. It's that regal, I wouldn't do that!! look that gets you out of things. Thanks for being nice to Baby Mao on his birthday. (S)

Unknown said...

Oh dear! That is a mess! Ha, ha, ha, poor Baby Mao probably doesn't even know why he's in trouble. I agree with you though - if the beans had put the lid on, there wouldn't be a problem. Oh, I keep laffin and laffin everytime I see that picture.

Anonymous said...

Hey, that rule is not just for Meezers. I will have to remember that. I can blame my trashing of things on Clyde.

Lux said...

My goodness! That Baby Mao sure is a messy boy - oops, I mean mancat!

Mosaic Cats said...

Oh Yao-Lin,
We think you will like Sadie's parable meme very much!

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Pawesome!! You get to exact revenge on everyone! MOL!


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh, we laffed so hard we'z dizzy...

snowforest said...

Smart thinking Yao-Lin. Poor Baby Mao :(

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Oh that's a great rule! I can't wait until I have a sibling to blame things on!

I have a covered litter tray, but I dig so much, litter still ends up everywhere!

Anonymous said...

We all try and look innocent when we do stuff like dat, cause we all do it. There was some serious digging going on in yore box Yao-lin. Good work!

The Cat Realm said...

Oh my. We tagged you for a meme (see at our blog) and then we saw that you pretty much already did it with this post....
You are our hero! Wonderful, wonderful!

Monty Q. Kat said...


MomBean found an igloo shaped catbox for me so I can't 'fart and fling' as she says.

Anonymous said...

That was impressive. I wouldn't brag so much though. Even a human might catch on...

Peach Man said...

Right on!