Tuesday 10 July 2007

Punishment Tuesday

Yesterday, Baby Mao had the NERVE to post a very unflattering picture of me wearing a pink wig.

So, as punishment for yet another misdemeanour, I forced the big whiney baby cat to wear this pink fluffy ensemble.

Not so big and tough now, are you Baby Mao? Hmm?

Yours huffily

HRH Yao-Lin xx


Daisy said...

A very suitable punishment, Yao-Lin. Except Baby Mao kind of looks like he is enjoying himself...

The Meezers or Billy said...

we agree wif Daisy - is it really punishment if he likes it?

LZ said...

OH my!! That sure doesn't look like a fun time. I bet he learned his lesson!


Artsy Catsy said...

We can't decide if Baby Mao looks like he's enjoying himself or if he's thinking up a way to get back at you!

& the Artsy Catsy bunch

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Um, but he looks so dang adorable!

Tara said...

hehe..he and Kavan are both pink ladies!


MaoMao said...

AAAAAAAH!!! I'm crackin' up here... hehehehe, Yao-lin, you ROCK with yer Royal Cattitude! I'd love to have you for a big bruther because I could learn lots about bein' a Royal Prince, especially as I get more matured and growed up!

(But... um... I have to konfess that Baby Mao does look cute... hehe!)

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Yao-lin, I am laughing so hard, but I have to say, I love Baby Mao's outfit. Do you think he might lend it to me to wear for my Mickey?


Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Yao-Lin, quite apropos, if you ask me. And Baby Mao doesn't look none too happy about it either!


PS. I tagged you for a meme, c'mon over to my blog for all da details!

Baby Mao is sure man enough to wear pink pink pink, even if he is still a kitten (is he???)


Awwww, Baby Mao, you are too cute in that outfit!


Anonymous said...

You got him Yao. Hehe.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Well he duz look kyoot, but he duzn't look too happy hehe.

Parker said...

I think he's actually OK with it. And the pink sets off his eyes. Yao, the one who smells of poo looks good in pink!

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Yao-Lin! You are so sweet to smuggle Science Diet to me all the way across the ocean!

However....I have to tell you that we do have it here...just that mommy won't let me eat it in favour of some "more nutritious" and less fur-shedding Orijens dry food. *glares at mommy*


Samantha & Mom said...

Yao-lin you and Baby Mao are just too funny for words!! This for that!!
Your FL furiends,
Samantha & Tigger

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

.... cute for sure.
As least we have very good looking picture.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Hee hee! Nice job Yao-lin, although Baby Mao does look cute in his outfit!

Lux said...

Baby Mao looks like he's decked out for a night of romance!

The Cat Realm said...

You showed Baby Mao! Very good!
But guess what:
I made you a tiara!!!!!
You can pick it up at http://idareyouall.blogspot.com
and I dare you to wear it!!!!!
Your admirer

Anonymous said...

We think Baby Mao looks furry cute in his pink fluffy thingie. It sets off his blue eyes.

But you are right to take yore revenge Yao-lin. You gotta keep the young ones in line.

jenianddean said...

Our Secret Paws arrived! Thank you so much! We'll be posting pictures soon!

Anonymous said...

A perfect punishment Yao-lin.

Mr. Hendrix said...

ha ha ha ha, I think Baby Mao thinks he looks pretty! I love that you are so good at revenge. Are you for hire if needed??

Anonymous said...

Yao! My Mao looks divine! He looks sooooo manly, doesn't he???

The Feline Sextet said...

Awww that's a furry cute piccie, we's not sure Baby Mao really got punisheded Yao-Lin,he looks like he didn't mind!