Monday 2 July 2007

Memorial Monday

Yesterday evening, I attended a Memorial Concert to honour the life of Princess Diana.

Here I am at the aftershow party, hob-nobbing with the two humans who call themselves Princes, as well as another fellow. Can't recall his name. He wasn't that entertaining, to be honest.

I think it is important to pay our respects to a much loved fellow royal. Diana, we all loved you and one can't quite believe it is ten years since your passing. *sigh*


Ali & Fiona said...

That is very sweet of you Yao-lin. I have missed you this weekend.

Cuddles and many purrs,

LZ said...

How nice of you to attend. It was very sad 10 years ago and its great to remember such a wonderful lady.


Daisy said...

Yao-Lin, you look very dashing. Nice of you to pay your respects.

Parker said...

It was good of you to pay your respects. She was a lovely princess.

DK & The Fluffies said...

Wow, you were at the party of the centry!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are glad you enjoyed the party. You are right, it never seems that nearly 10 years have passed since that sad day. We must say you looked very dashing and mixed well with the other Royalty.

The Meezers or Billy said...

it was furry nice of you to attend - I'm shur that the Princes were most honored by your presence. Mommy says Princess Diana was a wonderful bean and it is very sad that she is gone.

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

MOL! I can tell by the look on your face that the "other fellow" bored you very much! The Princes look very handsome and manly. Oh yes, you look manly in a tux too....I need to get me one of those....


Tara said...

Yes, it is important to pay your respects. You looked quite dashing there Yao-lin!

Anonymous said...

You look so handsome, Yao. I'm impressed.

Lux said...

You look like you fit right in there, Yao-lin. Wonderful of you to attend this affair.

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

PS. What did you think of the Dr Who season finale episode??? We just finally got to watch it today. Mommy was so convinced that the Daleks would show up!

lordjaders said...

I asked my bean about yourrr Rrroyal Furrrend,Diana, and she told me all about herrr. It seems she was in the hospital getting rrready to deliverrr the eldest little sticky perrrson in ourrr household, when the horrrible accident was rrreporrrted. Indeed, everrryone loved Diana.

Anonymous said...

You look great Yao-lin. I too can't believe it's been that long.

Kimo and Sabi said...

Them is some silly boys! We thought Prince was a musician?

Samantha & Mom said...

Looks like fun hob nobbing with the Royals, Yao-Lin.
Samantha & Tigger

Anonymous said...

Wow, you really ARE royalty and hanging out with Princes and all. It was nice of you to go and pay yer respects. When mom finks about Diana she feels very sad because she was a furry great lady.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Very nice of you to attend, Yao-lin. Very impressive that you were visiting with the two princes! It was a very sad day when Princess Diana died.

snowforest said...

Yao-Lin you look very handsome in that suit ~ I still remember vividly the day ten years ago when Lady Diana passed away ~ it was a sad sad time :(

Anonymous said...

Obviously you are well-born to be able to attend that function.... hobnobbing with Harry and Wills seems to come naturally to you.