Monday 30 July 2007

Moving Day

In actual fact, moving day is tomorrow but as you can see, the slaves have taken my instructions very seriously.

I shall say goodbye to my adoring fans, at least for the next few days. I have commoners to meet and greet and of course will be busy settling into the new palace. I have no doubt I will be as badly behaved as possible.

Ta ta for now everyone - be back online soon!

Yours haughtily as ever

HRH Yao-Lin


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Good luck with the move Yao-lin! I hope everything goes smoothly!

jenianddean said...

WOW! I wish I could have moved like that. I just slept under my dad's feet in the moving truck for 15 hours. I don't even want to think about that again. Good luck with your move!

-Jasper McKitten-Cat

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Ah, dat looks like a grate way to move. Hope effurything else goes as smoothly.

The Meezers or Billy said...

good luck wif your move Yao-Lin

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your move Yao-lin. at least your humans are moving you in style. I wish I could say the same for mine...

The Fluffy Tribe said...

Have a great move Yao-lin ~The Fluffy Tribe

Daisy said...

Yay! You really got your horse-drawn carriage! Good luck with the move. See you soon.

DK & The Fluffies said...

Have a nice ride!

The Furry Kids said...

Good luck with the move! I'm glad you got the horse drawn carriage you wanted.

Earl Grey

The Cat Realm said...

You do have your slaves trained well!
Awesome moving van! If I ever have to move I might want to borrow it!
I am sure you will be as badly behaved in your new palace as in your old! It is in your nature. Fortunately!
I will await your moving report eagerly - get settled in, make sure Baby Mao doesn't try and snatch the royal places in the new house!

Lux said...

I hope your move goes well! Let us know when you get moved into the new palace!

lordjaders said...

Good, I'm glad the slaves arrre cooperrrating. As soon as yourrr moved in, I'll teleporrrt overrr and brrring you some frrresh dove to eat. Sept. 1 is Open Dove season in Califorrrnia and my family hunts--just like me. I'll be gone forrr a week orrr two--at the beach--Hope all goes well with yourrr move. By the way, when I get to yourrr new home, will you give me a rrride in yourrr rrreally cool carrriage? I'd rrreally feel like Cinderrrella then!

Anonymous said...

Wow, a lot of kitties are moving this week. Very exciting stuff. I'll miss ya.

MaoMao said...

Good luck, Yao-lin! It looks like you are moving in fine style, buddy!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Anonymous said...

Good luck, Yao-lin! What a wonderful way to move. We'll miss you while you're offline!

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Good luck with move~!
Look forward to see you soon~!

Anonymous said...

We see you are in yore horsey carriage wif all yore loyal subjects all lined up and dressed the same too. Did you get your gold pillow? Moving is no fun, we did dat three years ago and I still shudder at the thought of it.

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Finally!! That's treatin' you in style!


PS. Aww, we gonna miss you when you get back, coz mommy and daddy are gonna be away for 2 wks. We gonna plan a "surprise" for when they get back, hehe!

Ali & Fiona said...

Hello my royal, handsome cat,

Guess who is on YOU!

You are famous and I made sure to let everyone know your my handsome mancat.


The Furry Kids said...

Is that really you on Stuff on My Cat? Momma saw it yesterday and thought it was. You're a celebrity!


Unknown said...

I see your slaves and the commoners have done as you bid. Good luck with your move, I am hoping your slaves carry out their duties to your liking.

The Crew said...

Why isn't The Queen in your carriage with you, you both being royal and all?

Unknown said...

I just saw you on stuff on my cat! Very impressive outfit : )