Ah, Friday - finally, the end of a long and traumatic week.
I know I look as if I am sulking in this picture. That's because I am. You would too if you stepped into my paws, trust me.
On a much more serious note, I am also LIVID after reading this article about an evil cat napper who lives in Southampton.
I believe in Karma and I know that whomever was responsible for this evil act WILL get their comeuppance.
Yours, FUMING over this evil deed
HRH Yao-Lin
Friday, 19 October 2007
Frootbat Friday
Posted by
HRH Yao-Lin
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Some people are absolutely despicable (and chavs to boot)! We are so angry that words simply fail us. Karma will get whoever did this. We are glad that our mom makes us stay inside or on the deck because nobody can get us.
You're so right, its been a long and arduous week! So glad we can have the slaves tend to our every need this weekend.
What an awful story - I hope every one of those cats is found safe and sound. And that the owners find out who did it.
You may be sulking but you look good doing it, Yao-Lin.
Yao-Lin, you are as stunning as always.
I am HISSING and SPITTING, that article made me so mad! Mommy says it made her sick to her stomach. This is another reason she doesn't like people. They are cruel and stupid.
I hope all of those cats are safe. I am extra worried about the one who needs its medicine.
I will be purrrring for every one of them and their families tonight.
I am sharpening my claws right now. Those people are disgusting. Can you imagine what this cruel person's children will grow up to be like?? How awful.
Hoping they cat that A#S Hole and next week is better.
What a dastardly deed! I am very angry, too.
Did he bother to go to the naybors and ask them to help keep the cats out of his preshus garden? Prolly not, he's a coward and akshooally confronting other beans would be harder than just grabbing a cat and hawling it away. The next time one of his kids steps in someones yard we hope it's not someone who will hawl the kid away and leave it 25 miles away, alone and scared. Mom called him a bunch of names from the bad word list!
Sadly, Mommy knew bad people like this. When Mommy was just a kitten, her family had kitties that went outside. One day, one of her kitties came back with a pellet in her neck. Toby had been shot with a pellet gun and had to be rushed to the vet. After, there was a note saying the next time, the shooter would use a real bullet and kill Toby because she kept getting in her yard. Mommy cried and cried - It was awful! Some humans are just evil - its make us both sad and mad!
That's awful. I hope the catch the person responsible for this, and soon.
I hope you have a better week next week.
That is a terrible, terrible Bean. You have perfected the look of righteous indignation, BTW.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
That is horrible!!!!!! People like this are just to nasty for words!
You do look quite lovely in your picture, despite being a bit peeved!
That is awful. I hope they find out the evil person who did this and they go to jail. And have to move house because all their neighbours hate them!
And we really really hope those cats are found and come home.
You don't know nuthin' 'bout no long and traumatic week till you've fostered Smudge!
Honestly, Yao-Lin...how can you share your regal and forever home with a ball o' stink and poo?
We've posted only a miniscule portion of our trauma.
The rest of the things we've seen (and smelled) since 9/25 are truly unspeakable.
We all suffer from PTSD.
Poo? Tons! Smudge Disorder
I can't believe what I read! My lady servant's cat (when she was little) was poisoned by a neighbor because the neighbor did not like having the cat come in his yard. She still thinks about it alot. It is horrible what has happened to those families and cats, and one of the cats might really need his medication to survive so its as if it really is murder.
You better be keeping your cute self indoors!
This is an awful story~!!! Oah, Now it's my turn now getting really mad~!!!!
Don't worry, Yao-Lin, someday this man gonna be punished~
Yao-lin as always you look wonderful. I am still livid about the cat who was shot not too far from me--okay about 45 minutes away so not in my neighborhood but in my city!!!!
So,if the neighbours kids threw candy wrappers or similiar stuff, would people still think Sicko was " on to something" by relocating the kids?
Someday,he will regret his actions.
You are right to be livid!!and yes you look good doing it ;)
I hate jackass catnappers. If My Lady were to take a picture of me right now, I would look like you.
I am FUMING too Yao-lin! Some people are so stupid it is unbelievable. You are right Karma will come and kick them in the ass - whoops that word is on my list of words not to say - but I'm just so angry!
I will pray that those cats find their way home and that horrible person gets caught.
ARRRGH! That cat napper sounds like a horrible horrible bean. I wanna poop on his head!
Yao-lin, you always look superduper handsum and regal! What a great pickshure of you!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
You do look upset in that photo, Yao-lin, although you still look as regal as always.
What kind of horrible people can do such despicable things? I hope all of those cats are okay.
I too am now fuming Your Royal Highness! My Mummy used to live in Southampton and went to school there as a child - never in all her years there had she ever heard of anything so evil! :( We're all purring that those cats are found unharmed as Mummy knows all too well the distress of having a cat taken. Her old Meezer Barbie-Q was taken and it took her 2 months to walk home, 2 months of Mummy being frantic with worry and sad because the thought she might have been killed. I will purr hard that the evil doers are caught and prosecuted big time!
Those types of evil persons are precisely why Maw no longer believes in allowing cats to roam outdoors. There are way too many asswipes in this world who think they can do what they want and get away with it. And unfortunately, many do. Especially here in the States. Ever since Davy was mutilated, Maw believes in indoor only cats. Period.
Personally, Maw would like to see someone kidnap that guy's stupid kids and relocate them 25 miles out.
Luf, Us
I am not reading the story - I can't take it. It makes me so mad that I become an evil cat myself because I want to shoot these evil people...
You look very fuming, Yao-Lin! But great as always.
I will fume with you. Thanks for stopping by my party.
That's just awful makes me very mad.
Thanks for visiting my blog my mom's
feeling alot better.
that is just sheer nastyness...i hope that whoever is doing it gets the worst karma ever, i would swear but you may have young readers! when my mum was a baby bean, she lived in a village and there was someone there who shots pets with air guns...mum's cat Whiksers got a pellet in the head but survived and the pellet got removed. i hate animal cruelty!
This happened to my lady bean when she was firrrst marrried to the Masterrr of the Univerrrse. An evil catnapperrr trrapped the neighborrr's cats because they sprrrayed his scrrreen doorrr. Believe me, cats arrre incrrredibly intelligent. They werrre just marrrking wherre a rrreal piece of "worrrk" lived. He was an idiot--and eventually God punished him. I will not elaborrrate on this--but bad actions do come back upon people.
A very special place in H*ll waits for those horrid people.
Mean people suck...
Where are you?!? We checked for another royal picture of you all weekend but were disappointed. sigh.
That article still makes me so mad. I hope that a#s gets put in jail for a long long time with a very large man named "Butch" who loves cats.
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